Venerdì 8 novembre 2013 - 16.00-18.30 @



Beyond Hofstede (in inglese)

Presentazione di: Bettina Gehrke

bettinagehrkeSince the publication of Geert Hofstede’s seminal book, Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values in 1980, Hofstede’s cultural frameworks have been an integral part of international business research and practice. Hofstede is a reference for any interculturalist, because his value dimensions are a powerful tool to explain how culture is related to management preferences across countries.

Although increasing criticism has been voiced against his work over the last decade (e.g. McSweeney, 2002), his oeuvre still has an undeniable influence on intercultural training, teaching and research.

In this workshop I will discuss the conceptual and methodological critique associated with cultural frameworks, such as Hofstede, Hall, Trompenaars or GLOBE, typically used in intercultural training. Do we need a new understanding of culture in this age of globalization? Are cultural dichotomies such as individualism-collectivism or high-low context communication sufficient to facilitate our understanding of today’s complexities? Are there alternative perspectives to explain cultural differences?

The idea of this workshop is to challenge some of our assumptions often made too easily in explaining cross-cultural differences and to reflect on implications for intercultural trainings.

Il workshop sarà in lingua inglese. Sarà a numero chiuso (20 posti) ed aperto ai soli Soci regolarmente iscritti per il 2013.

Per scaricare l’invito con tutte le informazioni, cliccate qua.



Via Napo Torriani, 29 Milano
(Metro Stazione Centrale) 02-6797951