Maria Mihaela Barbieru


She is a sworn translator and interpreter since 2012, intercultural mediator and foreign language trainer.

She holds a Master Degree in Intercultural competence and management at the University of Verona.

She manages courses and projects of intercultural communication and mediation alongside Italian and French associations. 

She also conducts and shares my researches and findings with some European universities. Intercultural communication is one of my core activities, as authentic intercultural relationships shall not exist if the main tool of the relationship – which is the communication – do not exist.”

She is aware that culture and langue, whether ignored and disrespected, may affect business.  In a globalized context, where each market imposes certain communicative codes, an “own-tailored culture, and language”, we must be aware of the new intercultural competences, of the new indicators of successful business and the effective language of the Intercultural management.