Sabato 28 marzo @ Belgirate

Forget about Intercultural Training! & Shakespeare’s Lessons in Leadership

Sabato 28 marzo dalle 14.30 alle 18.30 si terranno due workshop aperti a Soci e Amici a Belgirate (VB) sul Lago Maggiore
con il Patrocinio del Comune di Belgirate in Scalone Cairoli 3 presso Sala Borsieri


Forget about Intercultural Training!

Speaker: Callegarin – Coach

myriamWhy don’t leaders and organizations recognize that intercultural training could significantly increase their chances to succeed in global business? Is intercultural training really the most effective way to develop global leadership competence? Is coaching the better option? Or are there other more effective alternatives? During her open and provoking session Myriam Callegarin will present case studies and eye-opening researches to explore what needs to be done differently in order to meet the needs of today’s executives and organizations.



Shakespeare’s Lessons in Leadership

 Facilitator: Jane Everett – Intercultural Trainer


Shakespeare offers non-prescriptive advice and key insights into the workings of the human mind and human nature as well as practical techniques to motivate and inspire others around us. Inspired by the five practices of exemplary leadership as defined by Kouzes and Posner (The Leadership Challenge) this workshop explores some of the lessons that can be learnt in transformational leadership from Shakespeare. The 5 lessons from the full masterclass workshop are:

  • Challenge the Status Quo
  • Create a Compelling Vision
  • Enable Others to Act
  • Model the Way
  • Encourage the Heart.

This workshop is designed to stimulate, inform, experiment and entertain, and welcomes feedback and input to discover how such lessons could be made absolutely relevant to today’s professionals.


Per l’iscrizione ai workshop scrivere a Peter Anderson tesoriere@sietar-italia.org
Per pernottare presso il Bed & Breakfast Torre Lara di Belgirate si prega di contattare Jane Everett a b.b.torrelara@hotmail.it ( www.bedandbreakfasttorrelara.com )

Per scaricare l’invito con tutte le informazioni, cliccate qua.