Sunday 15 February 2015 from 12.30 to 13.00 @



Intercultural Philosophy: Problems and Perspectives

Speaker: Giuseppe Cognetti – Siena University

Today in the coexistence of our increasingly multi-ethnic societies, it is important to open ourselves to pluralism not only theoretically but above all existentially. This does not involve the loss of our values, beliefs or lifestyles, but rather an understanding of their relativity. Indeed it is not a question of a-priori universals, but of answers to problems arising in specific historical, cultural, linguistic contexts. Panikkar argues that it is reality itself, in its deep structure, to be pluralistic and that it is a terrible violence to try to impose a single thought, a single religion, or economy, all over the world. (ie Biblical Tower of Babel) as we are in fact doing with our “globalization”, that intends to export our Western pattern everywhere. So our monistic as well as dualistic systems must be overcome on behalf of “a-dualistic patterns” that seem to constitute the most appropriate answer to the complexity of our time.


Giuseppe Cognetti

CognettiGiuseppe Cognetti teaches History of Philosophy and Contemporary Intercultural Philosophy at Siena University. In addition to his various studies on nineteenth century German philosophy, esotericism and intercultural dialogue, he has published the volumes: La dimensione del Cuore (Firenze 1993), L’Arca perduta (Firenze 1996), Oltre il nichilismo (Milano 2003), La pace è un’utopia? La prospettiva di R. Panikkar (Soveria Mannelli 2006), L’età oscura – Attualità di René Guénon (Milano 2014). He directed Masters on the formation of religious pluralism, and organized national and international conferences on intercultural and interreligious dialogue. Co-founder and Vice President of CIRPIT, (Intercultural Center dedicated to Raimon Panikkar) he is a member of the Editorial Board of Cirpit Review and of Triquetra Book Series (Edizioni Mimesis). Expert in oriental disciplines he is a Member of ITCCA (International Tai Chi Chuan Association) and leads training courses of Yoga and Taiji Quan, associated with his university courses in Siena.